Welcome to JSBD's collaboration with

JSBD is proud to receive the title of “Start-Up Chile’s Network Contributor”, as we have been recently been granted access to their prestigious PERKS Program, in which a comprehensive selection of our products and services will be made available to Start-Up Chile’s and CORFO’s network -locally and globally- with preferential prices, providing an important milestone for JS Business Development, as well as our humble contribution to the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Chile and LATAM, from April, 2022. 

We welcome all start-ups and entrepreneurs from the network and the PERKS Program to reach out to us, committing as a company to provide you effective information and proper orientation during the hiring and delivery of any our services and/or, during the complete process that leads to a successful global business development and deployment process designed for different latitudes and languages. 

Please check what we have made available exclusively for you, as Start-Up Chile’s associate, right here: 

3, 6, and 12-month contracts available with preferential 40, 45, and 50% Discount

Thank you for your interest in the future of digital business development with creative industries...
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Brand, Product, & Business Development

Literally, everything a brand needs from a commercial and legal approach to successfully communicate to various audiences and launch campaigns in multiple territories, incorporating processes to every aspect of digital business development. From coming up with the name for a brand or reinventing existing ones, designing logos, developing the product or service, signing contracts for stakeholders, representing it, or seeing it displayed on outdoor billboards and commercially deploying through multiple media platforms in various territories and languages, with our touch.

We can also incorporate commercial and legal representation, and/or technical deployment for any of these type of contracts. 

Click in “Connect with JSBD” and let us know how we can help. Let’s talk soon!

Content Creation & Editorial Strategies

We understand that every word and sentence used next to your logo, or in any information or documentation related to your brand, is of the utmost importance for the growth of your business. Hence, we pay attention to detail in the art of writing for ourselves or for others, always trying to convey a brand’s message as clearly and productively as we can just by writing with a meaningful purpose, a well structured methodology, and a goal. 

Click in “Connect with JSBD” and let us know how we can help. Let’s talk soon! 

Music Research & Licensing

We breath music and we like to add sounds to everything we do, hence, we research the music world daily, and pay for what we like. Out there, there is a universe of great artists and music tracks, so we look for the best for our brands and what they need to communicate to audiences, whether they are free or paid tracks, we source what is needed, for when is needed.

Click in “Connect with JSBD” and let us how can we help. Let’s talk soon!

Multilingual PR & Marketing Strategies

For established brands and companies, the importance of a well executed PR & Marketing Strategy year to year becomes vital for the continuous development of business. We combine our expertise to ensure our associated brands receive a customized and strategized plan that can efficiently connect them with markets in Europe, Latam, and North-America. 

We can also incorporate commercial and legal representation, and/or technical deployment for any of these type of contracts. 

Click in “Connect with JSBD” and let us know how we can help. Let’s talk soon!

Sonic Branding & Music Strategies

Our first business development incorporated music. Ever since, we have grown our own music gurus, who learned how to add sounds to everything we do, so we started doing it for others, and it’s awesome and tons of fun at the same time. Here’s where all we know about music and creative industries pays off, having the gift to identify the most unique sounds and tracks, for a brand’s UX that becomes a once in a lifetime experience for the user, because of the way those sounds make them feel at the time.

The future of advertising is not only in what we see, but also in what we hear. In Latam, JSBD is Sonic Branding. 

Click in ” Connect with JSBD” and let us know how we can help. Let’s talk soon!

Translations, Subtitling, & Dubbing

Our multilingual remote team is from all over the world and speaks and writes perfect Spanish, delicious English, and shameless Portuguese, therefore, we are capable of making a local campaign, an international one, in no time. We can guarantee Russian at the moment, but we sure can help you with the other 3 languages we have. 

Click in “Connect with JSBD” and let us know how we can help. Let’s talk soon!

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